
Servicios / Solicitar Presupuesto/ Ascensores Excelsior

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    Guillermo Fabian S.L fue fundada en 1923 por el alemán D. Guillermo Fabián Fischer, constituyéndose en marzo de 1977 como sociedad, dando lugar a Grupo Excelsior, con domicilio social en C/ Baños de Montemayor, 5 de Madrid. En España y en los países de habla hispana, operamos comercialmente bajo el nombre de Ascensores Excelsior, nuestra marca. La empresa cuenta con 100 años de experiencia en la fabricación, montaje, mantenimiento y reparación de aparatos elevadores. En los últimos 30 años ha desarrollado, además, una gran experiencia en el sector de la rehabilitación e instalación en edificios que carecen de ellos así como en el de la accesibilidad, contando con un amplia gama de productos (plataformas y sillas salvaescaleras así como una amplia gama de elevadores residenciales). Somos especialistas en la fabricación completa de productos destinados a la elevación tanto de personas como de cargas (montaplatos, montacargas, montacoches).

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    When referring to Lorem ipsum, different expressions are used, namely fill text , fictitious text , blind text or placeholder text : in short, its meaning can also be zero, but its usefulness is so clear as to go through the centuries and resist the ironic and modern versions that came with the arrival of the web.When referring to Lorem ipsum, different expressions are used, namely fill text , fictitious text , blind text or placeholder text : in short, its meaning can also be zero, but its usefulness is so clear as to go through the centuries and resist the ironic and modern versions that came with the arrival of the web.
    When referring to Lorem ipsum, different expressions are used, namely fill text , fictitious text , blind text or placeholder text : in short, its meaning can also be zero, but its usefulness is so clear as to go through the centuries and resist the ironic and modern versions that came with the arrival of the web.When referring to Lorem ipsum, different expressions are used, namely fill text , fictitious text , blind text or placeholder text : in short, its meaning can also be zero, but its usefulness is so clear as to go through the centuries and resist the ironic and modern versions that came with the arrival of the web.
    When referring to Lorem ipsum, different expressions are used, namely fill text , fictitious text , blind text or placeholder text : in short, its meaning can also be zero, but its usefulness is so clear as to go through the centuries and resist the ironic and modern versions that came with the arrival of the web.When referring to Lorem ipsum, different expressions are used, namely fill text , fictitious text , blind text or placeholder text : in short, its meaning can also be zero, but its usefulness is so clear as to go through the centuries and resist the ironic and modern versions that came with the arrival of the web.
    When referring to Lorem ipsum, different expressions are used, namely fill text , fictitious text , blind text or placeholder text : in short, its meaning can also be zero, but its usefulness is so clear as to go through the centuries and resist the ironic and modern versions that came with the arrival of the web.When referring to Lorem ipsum, different expressions are used, namely fill text , fictitious text , blind text or placeholder text : in short, its meaning can also be zero, but its usefulness is so clear as to go through the centuries and resist the ironic and modern versions that came with the arrival of the web.
    When referring to Lorem ipsum, different expressions are used, namely fill text , fictitious text , blind text or placeholder text : in short, its meaning can also be zero, but its usefulness is so clear as to go through the centuries and resist the ironic and modern versions that came with the arrival of the web.When referring to Lorem ipsum, different expressions are used, namely fill text , fictitious text , blind text or placeholder text : in short, its meaning can also be zero, but its usefulness is so clear as to go through the centuries and resist the ironic and modern versions that came with the arrival of the web.



    CEO of XYZ Company - Spain 1

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet . The graphic and typographic operators know this well, in reality all the professions dealing with the universe of communication have a stable relationship with these words,


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